Reid Technique
The Reid technique came from a police officer named John Reid devised so that police officers can get confessions out of people in order to close cases at a high rate. This technique does indeed get confessions, but not confessions from the people who actually committed the crime. The Reid technique requires officers to pay close attention to things that the person does such as, changes in body language and facial expressions. The officers pay close attention to the persons body language that involves looking around, picking lint of their close or shaking their leg. The officers use these signs as a way to prove that the person is lying. This process is flawed because it causes anxiety in the person making them flustered while moving rapidly and sweating, which leads to them confessing to something they did not do. People realize that they are in a bad situation, and often times confess in order to get out of it on the bases that they will be able to fight it later in court. The T.V....